Chapter One :Chapter 1

"I am sorry, Miss Abram," Doctor Drew said gently, "I'm afraid you have very few durable eggs remaining. Honestly, I normally see these numbers in women over fifteen or twenty years senior to yours."

Ellorie stared at her in pure disbelief, unable to believe her ears. She was only twenty-six. Trying to get pregnant for like forever since her marriage with Shane and never once thought the reason could be this distressful.

Ellorie's heart tightened in anxiety, "Are you sure, doc? I mean, is it possible that you're mistaken?"

"I'm afraid I'm not mistaken. In terms of fertility, you have only a few times left," she continued, "To conceive, you need to get pregnant before your next cycle."

"What?!" Ellorie's mouth hung open in shock. She wished nothing more than to be a mother and start her own little family. Although her father dreamt for her to take his position in the company, she was willing to put that aside to be the mother that she always craved for herself.

She needed to go home and tell her husband. There was not a single moment to waste.

Ellorie made it home in record time, bursting through the door she bumped into the maid, "Where is Shane?" She asked in haste.

"I saw him headed to the west wing a while ago, ma'am."

"Thanks!" She rushed upstairs. Sprinting to the west wing corridor and opening her mouth to call Shane, but... She soon stopped dead in her tracks. This side belongs to her father Victor and stepmother Mila. Since he was admitted to the hospital because of a sudden heart attack and later fell into a vegetative state, Mila didn't like the presence in her side of the wing and preferred privacy.

Ellorie wasn't really fond of her, but considering her mental state, she chose to respect her wish for the time being and silently looked for her husband.

She checked Victor's study where Shane continued to come since her father went into a coma. However, he wasn't there. Perhaps he went to check on Mila. Shane had always been kind to her.

As soon as Ellorie reached the bedroom, her ears cocked at the unbelievable groans and thump thump thump. She blinked as her heart churned with a strange feeling. Slowly, she neared the bedroom and

pushed the door open, which she regretted to the core.

It was her husband on the bed with Mila, tangled in a forbidden pleasure in the bed that once belonged to her father and possibly her deceased mother. Just the thought made Ellorie ignominious, and the scene itself was sickening.

But, the worst part came next... "Fuck, Ellorie could never give me the pleasure I get right here," Shane groaned, fastening his pace, "God, she is so dumb! Her obesity makes me nauseous every time I have to have sex with her, let alone have a child with her!"

"Yeah?" Mila panted, "Just like her father. Did you give her the pill this morning?"

"Oh yes, that I did. She was too ambitious to get pregnant. Thanks to you, I always have a plan B. Ohh, Mila... You're so beautiful. I even imagine you while f*cking that fat junk!" He moaned.

"Shaaane!" Mila tightened her legs around his waist, "Oh love, I will never let that lousy girl get pregnant for you! I can't wait to get rid of that father and daughter!"

Shane chuckled, "Not for long though. We've successfully sent him to the hospital. Soon, that old man would be taking his last breath. And his daughter... Oh, she is not even a question."

Both giggled as if they cracked a huge joke, sending chills down Ellorie's spine.

Her head spun, and she stumbled back on her feet, leaning against the wall weakly. Suddenly, it all made sense why she was unable to be pregnant, despite having unprotected sex multiple days a week for years.

Now she realized what those morning coffees meant. And she thought she earned an ace in love. What a pathetic joke!

It's even clearer how her husband, whom she loved with all her heart and fought her father to get married, betrayed her ceaselessly with her stepmother, which itself was more vexatious.

No wonder, she ended up with eggs the same as a 45-year-old woman at 26. Not to mention they caused her father's condition.

What demons she had gotten under her roof!

Distraught, she kicked on the door, catching the offenders off guard.

"How dare you!?" She screamed at them.

Shane and Mila did not expect her arrival at this hour. Both immediately rolled off the bed, attempting to cover themselves, making Ellorie laugh in disbelief.

"You will cover your naked bodies with clothes but how will you coat your shamelessness?" Tears of shame and anger slipped her eyes, "We trusted you and you..."

Her stomach twisted in disgust, and she harshly wiped her tears away, "but not anymore. I won't let you win anymore!"

Ellorie rushed out of the room, leaving Shane's panicked urge for her return. She had to get there. Her father needs her!

Rushing out of the mansion even faster than she got in and drove to the hospital, breaking 1-2 signals on the way, she finally reached the hospital.

Victor's ward was on the third floor. Ellorie pushed everyone out of her way and made haste to her father. She only had one job to do now. Save. her. father.

As soon as she reached in front of his ward, she witnessed a little gathering from a distance.

A group of nurses pushed out a stretcher from the ward with a covered body.

"What are you doing?" Ellorie murmured, slowly stepping forward suspiciously. The intensity of the situation was given away by the look of the doctor, but she was reluctant to accept it.

She looked inside the ward. The bed was empty there. "Where is my father?" She asked, avoid sparing a glance at the covered body in front of her.

"I'm sorry, Miss Abram. Your father is no more."

The moment those words slipped from the doctor's tongue, she grabbed him by the collar. "Shut up!" With red eyes fiercely darted at him, Ellorie growled at the man.

"Don't f*cking dare lying to me! Where is my father!? Or are you with them, huh!? Tell me!"

"Miss Abram, I am sorry for your loss," the doctor said again as a nurse pulled her back from him.

He slowly revealed his pale face, "his heart failed fifteen minutes earlier." Ellorie lapsed back, hitting the wall behind.

"Dad... No..." She panted and fell on the cold hard floor of the hospital. "DAD!... YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS!" Her desperate wail echoed throughout the corridor, earning everyone's sympathetic gaze on her.

It felt like decades as Ellorie watched the staff taking her father's body to the morgue. She could feel nothing but coldness.

Swallowing the hard lump, she dragged herself to the stretcher. Raising her hand, she slowly caressed his grey hair one last time.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I failed to protect you. I failed as your daughter." She murmured, tears defected her vision again.

"I swear to bring you justice. I won't let them get away with this." Wiping away her tears, the vengeance inside her increased.

"Doctor, I want you to investigate the cause of his death," she spoke, trying to keep herself composed at the moment.

"Miss Abram, it was a heart attack." She turned to him with bloodshot eyes, "Please doctor, do it. I want a proper investigation. I'm sure... that father's death is not natural." Her tone trembled at the last part.

"Certainly, Miss Abram." A voice interrupted her as two police officers entered the morgue.

Ellorie frowned. She did not recall informing the police before coming for her father. Somehow it completely slipped her mind.

"Yes, officers? How can I help you?" The doctor answered.

"Thanks, Doctor. But we won't take much of your time. We have information that Mr. Abram's death wasn't natural. He was poisoned..."

"What!?" Ellorie stared at those officers speechlessly, "How did you... Ah!" Her words were replaced with a gasp once the lady officer pulled her one arm and twisted it on her back.

"Miss Abram, you're under arrest on the charge of poisoning and murdering your father and the former Director of Valcro Tech, Victor Abram."

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